Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Book Review : The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This book was gifted by my previous roommates. "We think you will enjoy it!" I smiled and thanked them. I didn't get time to read it for a long time and finally on a three day train journey (where I read three books) I read the book that is supposedly a big seller.

The book is about a young Spanish boy who chooses to be a shepherd. He gets a strange dream about Egypt and pyramids and all and goes to North Africa to get to Eygpt. He gets looted and ends up working in a crystal shop and is about to forget about his original purpose of coming to Africa. However, he does join a caravan proceeding to Egypt and meets someone called 'The Alchemist' (The title of the book should have been 'The Shepherd Boy' rather than the Alchemist who plays a less significant character in the plot of the story)

This so called Alchemist tells him he can change himself into the wind! Imagine! At that point of time I gave a shudder of disbelief and looked at the book twice 'Should I read it completely or toss it away?' but I finished it. Skim read the whole event till he finally arrives at the pyramids to find his 'dream treasure'. The book ends with another twist.

My verdict- Excuse me? Turn yourself into the wind?!! Its a pretty good book and narrated at a steady space. The character of the Shepherd boy is nice enough to relate and the events are adventurous but what spoilt it was the whole wind episode. People say they have found inspiration in the book ( for what? becoming the sun?) I found nothing that inspired 'inspired' me that has not before inspired me. If you absolutely have nothing else to read, read it.

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