Sunday, November 09, 2008

So the world hates Islam - Accept it.

Wow, that's a statement! The 'Accept it' part comes from a breathing workshop I did where if you cannot change things, then it is better to accept it. Once your emotions stop fighting what is happening then you can clearly think your way out of it.

The question is- is there anyway out of it. It just dawned on me that wow, I mean people really hate muslims and Islam. You notice it everwhere. Unless you are not staying in a Muslim country then you are bound to feel the hostility and in best case a mild pity for you for being Muslim. In fact countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh face it nationally as 'Muslim countries' oh ho ho...keep away!

Its human nature that wherever a person goes or is, wants to be appreciated, respected and looked up. Irrespective of your color, creed or religion. When you don't find it, you move ahead, away and far away. This is a theory applicable everywhere. Whether it is emotional distancing or physical.

Therefore, coming back to my title. I am now accepting the fact that the world hates Islam. By world I mean countries that are not Muslim or those who may have minority Muslims and do not regard them as equal citizens. Though even as I type this, I find it so hard to digest.


Boheme Chinois said...

People hate Islam because terrorism, poverty, violence and backwardness are common traits among Muslim countries. This hated does not come out of nowhere!

Blogger said...

I have read and been exposed to a lot of literature and news on drugs, prostitution, incest, child molestation that happens in USA - that doesn't mean that I hate the whole country or label the whole country. There is a planned propaganda to paint Islam as an evil religion by people who don't even know it's principles.

If you lay out 10 commandments and some people misinterpret them and twist them in order to suit them - will you say - you and your commandments are evil or the wicked people who are manipulating it.

Learn to question, probe and observe. Then make a judgement.