Saturday, October 06, 2007

Man plans, but Allah is the best of Planners

There are times in life when you see the trials, the examinations your brethen has gone through that truly makes you understand the verses of the Quran where Allah Taala says that though we plan, Allah is the best of planners.

I was doing my tasbhi when the lady sitting next to me began a friendly conversation. She told me about her work as a teacher for special children and her husband. He is suffering from a rare disorder Werner syndrome which happened to him around two years back. A disorder that made him loose 40 kgs in a year and he lost his flesh and muscle plus various organ functionalities.

From being the a dynamic production manager of an international garment company to a clerk's job. From a self-respected man who stood on his two feet to the mercy of his wife and two small daughters. From a six figure salary to searching for a reasonable flat. A wife who had dreamt of having a mansion and a smooth life to working night shifts, sending her children to school, cooking for her husband and making the rounds to the emergency room. A wife who left a glamour world, an ambitious career to a future that seemed happy and secure - only to find her faith in God tested especially when the doctors told her 'It's time to call the family'

We sat there listening to her while uncle kept quite. I could feel his pride and I am sure he had been a proud man. We came to give them company. I took a friend along with me as I knew how lonely aunty had felt. She had managed to blink her tears in a second when I offered to come visit her and meet uncle. She told me how lonely she felt, her large family she had left behind in Mumbai and how she missed them.

It made me realise that no matter what we plan, God has already planned our lives. He has set aside the various tests, either through sickness or through other ways He will test our patience. It takes for Him, hardly a moment to make or break a man. To bring him down from his proud post to that of a humble servant praying for redemption. Redemption of past sins, of actions, of disobedience. Praying to relieve him.

May Allah Taala help uncle, relieve him of his sickness and grant him health again. May He show him and his family good days after these days of trial.


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