Friday, April 11, 2008

I'm a Spoilt Brat!

That is the realisation and brand identity that I have dawned to. Look at me- I live independently, eat whatever I want, sleep whenever I want, work as per my whims, have my own vehicle and a good set of friends that keep me happy. My relatives pamper me with sweets and calls to see that I am OK. I on the other hand sit back, stretch my lazy back and hug my teddy! (Though I am not the teddy hugging kind of girls but you have to admit it's heart warming to have a fluffy little thing and cuddle up with it)

I watch as this world goes by- I see men and women wake up early, finish off their chores, take the morning bus or ride their way to work in the horrendous Bangalore traffic, face a day with numbers or in front of the computer ranking their heads, others shout over the counters and keep dialing only to get an irritated 'I'm not interested!' BANG! While many of my gender members are busy from dawn to dusk cleaning and cooking and again cooking. Some like it, most of them do it mundanely as though they were born as machines with only that sole program.

Therefore, I consider myself super blessed that I don't have to face any of that - not yet at least. Today I am apne maan ki malika. However, there is stress. Life without stress is unimaginable. Being thankful is default for all the good things we have in life - but stress never leaves us. Some who are very busy suffer hypo tension and some like me Hypertension. Why is life so smooth?!
I know this entry hardly makes any sense. It's not supposed to. It's a thought creeping in my mind that found its way being typed and posted. But I now truly agree with my sister- I am a spoilt brat :)

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