Monday, March 31, 2008

Love... is a connection

This is the definition I got from the movie 'Matrix Revolutions'. It got me thinking about love and all the people in this world who love me and whom I love. In other words all those who have connections to me and I have a connection to.

The first connection I think of is that between God and me. I believe in God and I truly love Him. I know that I am not perfect. In fact I am far from perfect. There are a thousand things about me that I can point out myself and declare I am definitely not an ideal worshipper. Yet, it is the connection. The love that keeps me, holds me, knowing no matter what I cannot imagine life without my Lord, My creator.

The second one is of my parents. To be loved unconditionally, through sickness and in health and beyond death is love given to us by our parents. Think of all the times we have caused them pain and unhappiness yet they always want us to be happy and will do anything for us. They agree to our friends, our rules, our choices... They know when we are happy or sad and sometimes when you least expect it, you get a call just to be asked 'Are you alright?' A time when you really needed them.

and so comes the connections we have with our siblings. we play, fight and may be even scream at each other but we are the first person to stand up for them when anyone ever dares to point a finger. We are the first ones to boast about their achievements. In private we may whisper to each other 'Rascal!' but then 'She's a darling' and we mean it - both of them!

Friendship- a connection where once established it's forever. Even though there may not be traffic for a long time. I read somewhere that if you have had five true friends in life, your life has been worth living.

It love, this connection that keeps people together. Had we been logical and rational, we would have been like machines. Programmed to do some tasks and to do it with perfection else we would risk being deleted. Why is it that in spite of so many hang-ups, our parents never delete us neither do our friends or professors when we submit a sub-standard assignment? A line from the movie 'A beautiful mind' where at the end of the movie when Prof. Nash wins the Nobel prize, (i don't remember the exact line) he mentions something that its in the reason of love which one cannot figure out where everything lies. That was the best moment of the movie!

What got me thinking all this? The reason that no matter how imperfect I may be, I have 'connections' that tell me despite my logical flaws that I am a wonderful machine and they wait patiently for me to realise it and to wake up to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this one is too good!!!