Wednesday, March 05, 2008


I have noticed it in my family and in society:

If the husband makes a mistake -"His wife oughtta be bad. Why didn't she stop him"If the household expenses can't be met- "His wife is overspending. May God forbid we get such a wife!"If the husband's business is not running- "Hey wify, why don't you wind up your work fast and help your husband" It doesn't matter that she cooks, cleans and takes care of three children.

Why does it always happen that if the man is irresponsible, the burden falls on the wife?

I am talking a clear cut situation where it is the husband's mistake, irresponsibility or sheer laziness that gets the family into the problem and then the in-laws start attacking the poor wife, putting blame on her and responsibilities to go out and earn and handle her household!

I think in today's world, all of us are mature. Definitely, there will be trying times. When a couple embark on a new business or venture, there will be shortage of funds, road blocks and dead ends. In this case the two-person team will walk hand-in-hand and face the situation, look for ways out, bear their narrow sustenance until they hit the right door.

However, why should the delicate half pay for the irresponsible actions of her husband. What is worse is that it is the women in the family that actually go out and oppress her.
I am a big supporter of a wife helping out her husband in his business. After all, administration has always been a woman's best thing. Taking care of the accounting and administration is what women do best. As far as marketing and sales calls go, I think men are better equipped by God. There are definitely women who can market, can do sales and there will always be men who are better at admin and accounting, but on a general basis, this is how the skills have been distributed.

Men have more courage. They are rational. They are logical. They are strong.

Women are delicate. They need someone to protect them. No matter how strong a woman may be, at the end of the day she turns to a male member of her family for support, advice, and encouragement. It could be her father, her brother or her husband.

The case that I saw was that of a woman of strenght being asked to venture into the bad world because of expenses. Scared she is but she doesn't show. She won't know the first thing to do when she is out there and that makes me mad! Why ever put her in that situation?

I guess its destiny, I am trying to look at all possible positive points. Yes, she will learn. Yes, she will become smart if not smarter. Yes, she will be more as a person. She will however, loose her sweetness in this world of smart asses. She will be a jack of all trades, master of none. She will not be there for the little moments that mean the most to her children. She will cook food, not with love but out of haste, to go back to her work. She will no longer be the Queen of her home. She will no longer be there at all times when her husband comes tired from a days work.

At this point of time you might be thinking, wait, am I proposing that women should not work? Definitely not. I of course believe they have the RIGHT. Not the compulsion. The western society has got from women should have a right to work to women should work. A woman who is not working is treated as a liability. Imagine!

If that would have been the case two decades earlier, our grandfathers would not have valued our grandmothers or mothers. We have seen them loved and cherished for all they do for their family. Today however, the focus is shifting from family to materialism. Earlier, a simple lifestyle was admirable but today is the number of digits the couple credits in their bank account.

I'd like to conclude here by saying that I don't know where the world is going. At one point I would say let us value the importance of being a wife, a mother, a sister and a friend. Let us respect the conditions of women who need to work and their aspirations. One should not, however, take advantage of them, put blame and make them take responsibilities because you as a man, is irresponsible


Anonymous said...

hey salaam alaykum. i love ur writing style, why did u stop writing shrot stories?

Anonymous said...

Salam sister!!
I just found your blog :-)
And I'm loving it!!
I also LOVE your short stories and poems!
Keep writing, we all benefit from your posts :D.

Blogger said...

Anonymous1 - Thank you. I will start writing the stories again. I have one in my mind and will be penning it down soon :)

Anonymous2- W.Salam. Thank You! InshaAllah I'll keep writing :)