Thursday, May 24, 2007

When will I get in form?

By 6.00 p.m I am dead. Oh gosh when will I get back into the routine. My back pains, my legs are swollen and this head just wants to stop thinking.

No need to get worried. This is my usual start after a break (Exams or Internship). Getting back to the class routine, the studies and all takes me a week to adjust. I remember my first day in II sem BCA, I couldn't walk back to the hostel. I was like 100 ft away and I felt I was going to fall. Got on track in the second week. Same pattern is replaying. InshaAllah I hope I get into routine fast.

I am eating out now that classes have started and it's affected my health. Trust me hotel food is bad for health. Especially on a regular basis. I have to start cooking as well early morn and take my tiffin to school.

As for as classes, we had brand management : what would you do as a brand ambassador and studied branding of luxury goods. MacroEconomics where we looked at GDP,GNP,NDP,NNP, Per capita Income, the whole ecomony structure. Our first finance class began today and we have Prof. Narayan Swamy. He is too good. I like him. The way he explains the concept and he is the first lecturer so far who has taken time to outline the syllabus, what we will learn in each chapter and how it will help us. It gave us and overview of the whole subject and that is THE most important thing especially for students going into a new subject.

Am at home now and want to finish two of my essays and start my paper of Organizational Development. I think I will rest for sometime before I do it coz this back of mine is protesting.

1 comment:

Leila said...

Take it easy honey :) MashaAllah you're so smart girl, I am sure you will be excellent in your exams.Take care of your health, you will need it :)