Friday, July 27, 2007

An Unwanted Visitor

Nisreen and I got up at 4.00 am to have our pre-dawn meal (We are fasting 13,14,15 this month) and guess what we saw?

A BIG BIG BIG RAT or was it a mouse?

Well anyways, I ran like a kid into the living room screaming for my mom. Only this time there was no mommy and I had to do the needful.

I closed the door of our bedroom and asked the girls to open the front door. Thankfully, the rat went out after nearly giving me a heart attack of climbing the bedroom door as I stood by it.

My God I'm terribly scared of them. I just can't bear them. Uhhhhhhhh


Unknown said...

Hehehehe...typical you...I can't stop laughing imagining you jumping and screaming.

Blogger said...

Arwa: This was loooong back :) but I still jump when I see a rat!