Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The mystery of 'Triffin'

I made napolean rice yesterday and it turned out o.k. I haven't done personal studies and I actually have a lot of reports to work on plus my term's papers. So far the good news is that I have been submitting all assignments on time and have attended all classes except for DBMS where I let go of one class. Partly coz it was the only class that day and partly coz I do not enjoy it. There was a case study done so I'll pick up. I have done DBMS and it took me 4 months to understand it. That was 5 years back. wow! 5 years. Feels just like yesterday. So well I am sure once I hit the book it will be O.K.

My OD Professor makes us work too much. I feel so coz OD as a subject is like reading a how to study book. It should take 1/100 of your time and not 90/100. I have a presentation tomorrow for which I will be reading almost five chapters and hey forget real life cases. I simply have no time to read about company histories to find which one did OD interventions. I understood the concept and yeah sure, it's good, but group dynamics are one you can't put a label on. Do this and this and this. Hello?!! Pure waste of time. Instead of that why don't you concentrate on skills. When you are good at your job, trust me, you don't need OD or OB or any other O's ( I read OD, OB as novels... I am more right brained afterall! :-)

I was again gonna be late by like 10 mins for my Distribution Management class and last week Prof. Tiwari had remarked "You are becoming late by the day!" I agree. If there is one thing I struggle with it's Time. It's not like I have never got it right. My funda of Just-in-Time has worked 9/10 come catching a train, getting to the airport and prayers. I am bad at class timing... out of 10 morning classes I attend, I am five mins late for 7 of them! shish. Bad Alefyah.

There is one place I have to work at. Let's say tomorrow we make a plan to really be in class by 8.25 am. wow cool! I would love that. haha... will let you know what happens ;)

Thankfully Prof.Tiwari didn't come for the class. I got to finish the Brand Management revised presentation, take the printout, submit it and teach Devendra the whole concept of BM. We have covered 5 clases including today's. Prof. Joy is really good and knowledgeable having working in the industry for so long. However, I find myself day dreaming in her class. My attention is not really 'Caught'. The solution: Write. Write every tiny thing she says to keep myself from day dreaming and concentrate on what is BM. I need to read tooooo which is why I am not grasping fast. and for that I'm MAD!

Services Marketing was ok. I think I have managed a 5/5. I haven't got the marks but Prof.Raj said he was really impressed by our essays and most of us have got 5/5. Pray I am one of them. I also got my live project assignment on analysising a company that is into services and personally visiting and doing a SWOT analysis. Hmmm, see when I said: "No matter how large the assignment- Finish it then and there within two days" else we will keep having lots of other projects.

My favorite of all classes is afterall Investment Management/Wealth Management and Forex Management coz they are being taught by so far one of the best professors I have encountered. Hey! Do you think I'd be able to teach like them? I don't know :-( I mean the presentation I do on the surface I can't expect that people listen to me but when you are real knowledeable and know your craft well and know exactly how to deliver it to different kinds of people. Wow... that's like the ultimate. Today in Forex Management we got to know about the international monetary system right from the bimetalic era to the Gold Stage to the Interwar period and finally dolarisation. When we reached 'Triffin Paradox' where Triffin, a professor at YALE university discovered that USA was simply printing money without any inherent value, they gave his discovery an acknowledgement..LOL... while in India, Triffin would most probably been killed with his whole family and renamed 'Dabbawala' haha - Hindi for Tiffin. When Prof. said I will end now and continue in the next class I cried out "No!!!" I mean hey! it's like that suspense story. So what happened after Triffin discovered that the IMF was simply printing dolars???!!!ohhhhh it's killing me and I want to find out! I know you guys will say just search in Google and check out but I want to hear it from my Prof coz I love his style of narrating even the most serious event.. He is totally cool!

Well here I am back at home working on my OD Process and cleaning up the house at the same time... I will definitely do some serious reading today. Till tomorrow... Take Care! :-)


Anonymous said...

Salaams Alefyah

Greetings from London. Thanks for your regular updates. I enjoy reading them and learning your latest news.

I have a similar problem wrt always being late for things, and have also made a deal with myself this week to try and get to places 5 mins early instead of perpetually rushing. Good luck us!

By the way, what do the acronyms OD, OB and BM stand for?

All the best,

Blogger said...

Hey!! :-)

Greetings back from Bangalore (The E-waste city as I just came to know today.hehe)

OB- Organizational Behavior
OD- Organizational Development
BM- Brand Management

Haha.. was too tried to type it out ;)